August 12, 2009

Is Your Marco Island Home Noisy?

You know what I mean, does sound travel throughout your Marco Island home? Are you getting to know your neighbors through your walls, floors and ceilings?

Many homes have the kitchen just off the Master Bedroom and sometimes sounds just carry. Is the noise of your spouse making coffee early in the morning as they are getting ready for a day of fishing in the Gulf of Mexico getting in the way of your beauty sleep?

Perhaps you never thought about it, but are thinking of remodeling in your Marco Island home sometime soon. I just discovered a product that you might find worth investigating before you start your remodel. You might want to include it in your plans. It is called Supress.

What is Supress?

Supress®Sound-Engineered Drywall™ and Sound-Engineered Plywood™ are products to provide high-performance soundproofing for alls, floors and ceilings. One layer of Supress has the acoustical performance of up to 8 layers of standard drywall. Luxury home owners use Spress to provide sound absorption in their home theatres, music rooms, chidren's rooms and play areas.

Is your Marco Island home on one of the few busy roads on Marco Island? Or are the neighbors to one side a little too loud? Use Supress instead of regular drywall, on the interior surface of the wall facing the noise sourse.

You can install Supress over existing ceiling and drywall!

Supress Videos:

  • Active Families Use Supress to Keep the Peace at Home - VIEW
  • Using Supress - Residential Remodel - VIEW

For More information regarding Supress Products:

Supress Products, LLC
San Rafael, CA 94912
(800) 456-4061 Customer Service
(888) 222-9879 Customer Service Fax